

Prometheus instrumentation for the actix web framework for the rust programming language.


An experiment in implementing an Avro schema registry in rust based off of salsify/avro-schema-registry.


A simple way to dump a database structure to a file, in SQL format for the rust ecosystem.


Rust library for sending data to Honeycomb.


Slack library for the Go programming language.

I no longer maintain the library, but it is still in use by many and maintained by a caring community.

For fun


This is a silly tool that randomly kills a process with a pid >= 1024.

I built it to remind me how pointless it is to do something in anger.This is a silly tool that randomly kills a process with a pid >= 1024.

bfs - bananas for scale

Taking in the spirit of the Banana For Scale meme, we count lines of code in bananas.

Google Photos Backup

Command line interface to backup your Google Photos.